Those who know me well have experienced me “boring them to death” with the benefits of health insurance and cycling. My daily commute is 9 and a bit miles per day and I’m usually out with the Frome CTC at the weekend as well. Now there’s yet more proof of the benefits of getting out of your car and onto your bike.
A team of Glasgow scientists studied 250,000 commuters in the UK over a five year period, they compared those with an active commute, walking and cycling, against the more sedentary. Whilst the walkers had some benefit it was the cyclists who gained the biggest advantage.
The team in Glasgow said cycling took no willpower once it became part of the work routine – unlike going to the gym.
The results…
- Of the quarter of a million studied over the 5 years 2,430 died, 3,748 had to deal with a cancer diagnosis and 1,110 had heart problems.
- But, during the course of the study, regular cycling cut the risk of death from any cause by 41%, the incidence of cancer by 45% and heart disease by 46%.
- The average cycling commuter rode an of 30 miles per week, but the ones with the longest ride had the greatest health boon.
- Walking cut the odds of developing heart disease but the benefit was mostly for people walking more than six miles per week.
“This is really clear evidence that people who commute in an active way, particularly by cycling, were at lower risk,”
Dr Jason Gill, one of the researchers, told the BBC News website.
Read the BBC’s news report here;
If you want to investigate further about the health benefits of cycling there’s some good stuff here;
Happy peddling!
Martin Blain.