Reviewing your existing cover?

A thorough review of your existing cover will involve ensuring that you have the benefits that you need and that you’re not paying for “add-ons” that you’ll possibly never use. Does your current policy cover the most up to date medical practises and procedures or has it fallen behind the times?

Even when you’ve had recent claims or if a family member has ongoing medical conditions we can review your insurance. It’s at times like these that clients often benefit the most from our services as we can help to minimise your future premiums due to your claims.

We’ll always consider your current health circumstances as part of our advice and we won’t jeopardise cover for existing medical conditions.

We can conduct a full market review of the available policies and guide you in deciding the best way to minimise your costs and to maximise the benefits of your cover. Our recommendations and advice may assist you to get better value from your existing insurer or guide you to moving to another insurer who may offer an improved all round package.

Are you looking to buy private medical insurance for the first time?

As specialists we can research the market for you and compare the available policies and benefits for you. We’ll help you to appreciate what private health cover is and how it can benefit you and your family if somebody falls ill.

In a nut shell private health cover (also known as private medical insurance) could pay for the costs of private medical treatment for curable, short-term illnesses or injuries (commonly known as acute conditions). Private health cover can help with speedy diagnoses as well as allowing you to avoid lengthy waits for treatment on the NHS. You’ll also benefit from choosing the timing of when to have treatment and at which hospital to provide the best treatment and convenience. Patients usually have the privacy of an en-suite room with TV and other home comforts. Cover is usually available for in-patient (where stays in hospital are overnight or longer) and day-patient (where some time is spent recovering, but not overnight) treatment. There are options to provide cover for out-patient treatment such as physiotherapy and osteopathy as well as pre-treatment diagnostic appointments and post treatment follow ups relating to a condition.

Private medical insurance can give you greater choice of who treats you, where you’re treated, how you are treated and when.

There are also options to add cover for GP and general health help-lines, video consultations and private prescription services.

See also:
Business Medical Insurance Health Insurance PDF