If you watch any televised sport at the moment you can’t fail to have noticed the huge amount that Vitality are spending building their activity based Health and Life insurance brand awareness. The promotion is clearly working as they are reporting a 30% growth in 2016 of individual policy holders who are mainly people new to health insurance. Central to their offering is linking the insurance and Vitality partner benefits to the policy holder’s engagement with the Vitality points system to reward healthier lifestyle options.
For Vitality aiming their policies directly at the sports minded is all about positively selecting the fit and active. Positive selection means lower claims, higher margins and lower policy holder lapse rates.
They’ve just completed a round of road shows aimed at keeping advisors upto date with their latest developments, here’s a summary of the main points;
If you’re a Vitality policy holder and you haven’t completed the online health questionnaire then we strongly recommend that you do as the higher up the points scale you are the more you’ll get out of your policy. To get started click here, http://bit.ly/2kjaufu. Most of the Vitality rewards and benefits are linked to your Vitality status and if you’ve an individual plan and you’re unfortunate enough to claim then then engagement with the points system will minimise the impact of your claim on your renewal premium.
For business policy holders encouraging a widespread engagement with Vitality from your staff also has it’s rewards with premium rebates and excesses linked to engagement on offer. Again premium increases as a result of claims can be reduced if your team are moving up the Vitality status ladder. Vitality are also planning this year to make the Vitality rewards programme available to staff not currently covered by your company’s medical insurance plan.
If you’re not currently with Vitality and you’d like to discuss the options then email us on admin@lessonmoore.co.uk or call 033 33 55 64 05.