What is a Group Secretary?
If you have a group medical insurance policy in your company the insurer will need somebody to be the “Group Secretary” for the scheme, this person will be the insurer’s contact and usually the one who deals with the policy renewal. The role of the group administrator or secretary is an important one and does not stop when the policy is set up or renewed for a further year.
Although you can only have one Group Secretary, you can give limited administrative rights to another staff member which is a good idea so you’re not reliant on just on person.
We’d recommend that you take time to read through the documents that come with your policy.
The group secretary is responsible for;
- Making sure that the individual members receive their member packs and any letters relevant to their policy. This information is often confidential and should be treated as such.
- Encouraging members to read their membership information so that they understand how to get the best from their policy.
- Informing members of the medical benefits that your company has chosen.
- Understanding the terms and conditions of your policy and giving advice to your members.
- Ensuring the premiums are paid.
- Helping your members to understand the underwriting of their policy.
Useful information about the types of underwriting is available on our website;
A summary of the Underwriting options for Medical Insurance - Notifying your insurer when members join and leave your scheme.
This can be done via our website;
Add somebody to a company policy
Remove members from a policy
If you would like to talk to one of our friendly team to assist you then please get in touch.